Friday, January 30, 2009

Creativity Test

My precious friend Kari had this test on her blog today. Always up for those self-test thingies, I clicked the link! Visit her site to take the test. This is what it said about how God knitted my creativity:

Happy Dabbler

About Me: Your creativity lies in everyday objects. You don't need to roll up your sleeves or embark on a major project to get creative. And in fact you may not have much time for grand artistic schemes. But you still find plenty of ways to express yourself in your daily life. It's just a natural reflection of who you are. You like to immerse yourself in another world, switch off and live another life...It doesn't take much to fire up your imagination.

How I Create: Life is one big catwalk. Dressing is all about expressing yourself. You are what you wear. It is all about being able to find your space to think...Being out in the wild offers organic beauty. Your strength lies in your ability to understand your medium, but pushing the boundaries to create an original, new look.

How I Think: Deep down, you're a free-thinker with a really positive take on life. The way you see it, the glass is nearly always half-full. You're pretty fearless and willing to take creative risks to achieve the right results. Your work tends to have a darker edge that adds real depth.

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