Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Saw the midwife yesterday and Baby sounds great and both of us have good growth. It is funny to me when I see someone I haven't seen in a week or so, they exclaim that I am getting bigger. This is the only time in a lady's life that she doesn't mind hearing that. lol I need to post a belly picture so that those who won't "run into me" here locally can see Baby!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hearts At Home

This coming March is a "local" event aimed at stay-at-home mom's. This conference is a time to charge your batteries and regain focus on the main purpose for our existence...glorifying God. I am encouraged to glorify Him in my marriage, parenting and each aspect of my life as I sit through self-chosen classes that are geared toward the wonderful blessing of me being able to stay at home each day for and with my family! Check it out!

Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Resolution Idea

Before asking yourself these questions, be certain that you belong to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Then, if you are a Believer, are you daily reading the Word of God? If your answer to either is no, you might consider not asking the next two could be led astray!

1. What is God telling you to do?
2. What are you going to do about it?

Praise Service

God must be working on me...
tonight at church we had a Praise Service and we sang the song that the children sang two weeks ago:

Stop and think
Don't be so fast
If you want to be first, you must be last
It's upside-down and hard to do
But you must put others first before you
If you want to be great
If you want to be tall
You must be a servant to all
If you want to be great
If you want to be tall
You must be a servant to all

The world would have us believe that we are to be served but the King of Kings made Himself a little lower than the angels and came to earth as a man to serve! What an Example!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Today is the time our family spends celebrating the birth of Jesus! What if your family only remembered you one time each year? May every day be a celebration of the birth of the King!

Christmas Eve

Our church choir works for weeks on a cantata for the Christmas Eve service. This year was called Goodwill To Men and was presented tonight. Our second oldest son played one of the parts and brought laughter with his first line. He was right at home! He makes us laugh here as well!! Our oldest son and all three daughters are in the choir with me and DH keeps the pew warm with our two youngest children. Important job!!

Prior to the cantata, the children of the church did a presentation with music and recitation. It was done well and brought in parents of the children to watch their darlings.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Party

This morning was our homeschool group's Christmas party. We planned to have each family bring their own table service and finger foods to share. We had a GRAND surprise of the Green Family being with us again. They had moved away but her DH was able to come back on work-related business so "the family" was able to come with him. She was refreshing to my dry, weary spirit! How I miss you, Nicole!! It was sweet as well to meet again with all my Sisters and my soul was encouraged and blessed. We have so many, many families that truly live for Jesus and not just talk the talk. It was a cherished event for me and my heart is so full of fond memories of that gathering!

Thank you Lord for these ladies that You have joined together with a common bond: first, You and also home educating our children for Your glory!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bitter Cold

This morning as we prepared to leave for church, my DH sent our oldest son to start the van for it to warm up before we got into it. It proceeded to start but spew antifreeze so we quickly moved to plan B. Okay, we didn't have a plan B until we needed one but we changed plans from the red van to the trucks. We all made it to church with a minute to spare. Today was Nursing Home Ministry after our morning church service. Our family headed to the Covered Bridge Restaurant to eat before we met to serve the residents at Hawthorne Inn. When we left the restaurant, one of the trucks didn't start. After working on the truck for as long as they could stand the bitter cold, we all loaded in the remaining two vehicles and headed for town. Leaving M's truck there, we were late but arrived safely at the nursing home. We elected to stay home from church due to the decline in the number of working vehicles we had in the cold, cold weather. M will just need to get his truck to the shop and DH will need to work on the red van when the weather warms up some.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Our church family gathered together aboard the "church bus" last night and traveled around the local area to bring Christmas cheer to others through caroling...and gift baskets. After the rounds were made singing, we gathered at our new home for food and fellowship. We usually bring soups and finger foods and this year was no exception! It was wonderful! My children look forward to this time of year and so do I! We enjoy having others in our home and this was especially exciting since we are in a new home. We took a pause in the moving and decorated for Christmas. We had a wonderful time and have fond memories of another church family gathering!

We are so thankful during this time of cold, cold weather that we have a nice warm home in which to live and to be able to share it with others.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Card Pictures

What are your Christmas traditions? I try to keep my family focused on the Reason for the Season and our society works hard to distract them from the lessons. Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th so for us it is a season of celebration of the Birth of the King and not the big, jolly guy in the red suit. I want our season to be filled with family traditions that point us to the Babe in a manger long ago in Bethlehem who grew to be the God-Man that died upon the cross for the remission of sin upon Calvary. Whosoever will...

One of my individual favorite things to do at Christmas is send Christmas cards. Our nomadic life has led us and many, many others we have met along the way to various places. A great way to connect again is through the message of a Christmas card. I enjoy putting a scene together in my mind and gathering my family for a picture taking event to include in the card.

Side note: T was taking a picture on a cell phone of him and another person and he worked and worked until he got a good picture! I am sure our occasions of picture-taking have been a huge influence in his perseverence!

These episodes have taken place at such significant markers as the fireplace, outside in the snow, in front of the Christmas tree--time and again--and even the portrait studio. You get the idea. Then there is the attire we easy feat to match this growing family with Type A Personality Mom. But I enjoy the final outcome and my mind races for another Christmas picture scene.

I have given into the address label naming each child and their age in brightly colored ink stuck on the back of each picture. With a new baby in the spring, I am most certain I will resort to the portrait studio to let someone else take the picture next year!

I guess the snow has provided an opportunity for another outdoor event. Maybe sleds at Harrison Park this year. We shall see!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This is a picture of a fantastic little secret! It is one of two cabins set in the middle of nowhere very near Crawfordsville, Indiana. The name of the business is Cabins and Candlelight and we highly recommend it! Get away and enjoy! Please tell them that the Munro's sent you!

Monday, December 15, 2008


We are into the basketball season. We have our first Munro basketball player on a team. (The two older boys played street ball and that counts in a different league for men!) He started the sport last year and went from No Clue to a pretty good little player. Of course, his mom would say that though, right? It really was fun to go watch him play. Did I mention the popcorn was $.25? lol I took him to most every practice and game last year as DH was still working swing shift. (A whole other story!) This year, God has blessed Daddy with the opportunity to take him to every practice since he was promoted this summer AND went to straight first shift. [Oh how I still thank the Lord for this huge blessing!] Anyway, I am so glad that his dad can invest this time in his young life and influence him greatly for the Kingdom of God! Deposit away!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Singers

Stop and think-don't be so fast.
If you want to be first, you must be last.
It's upside-down and hard to do but you must put others first before you.

If you want to be great
If you want to be tall
You must be a servant to all.

If you want to be great
If you want to be tall
You must be a servant to all.

Two of our daughters were part of the group of youngsters that sang this song for our congregation today. I was reminded yet again that God's design is not what my flesh longs for and that I have to take my every thought into obedience of Christ! Lord, help me serve!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Cookie Exchange

Today I gathered with my wonderful mom, her beautiful sister, their brother's fantastic wife, one of their first cousins that I hadn't seen in so long and all but one of my first cousins. The "missing one" lives in northern Indiana so not adding her that would be three more -- if you are counting. We meet annually for a cookie exchange and this year was for Christmas! One of my cousins opened her home, sent her children with her husband and ordered MONICAL'S PIZZA just for the adults! WOW She even had two coupons that made it oh-so affordable for me to splurge on myself! Yummy!! We had such a fun time catching up with each other and laughing at antics only cousins would think were funny. We bring our annual cache of cookies and share them amongst ourselves. It has grown into fudge and peppermint bark as well! My girls beg for the latter. How I pray that this will continue as we make family memories together and grow traditions for our children that will honor the institution of family that God designed.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Caroling!

Many times throughout the year, we get together as homeschooling families to have special opportunites of service to others. Recently, several families gathered to rake leaves at the home of a homeschooling family that moved away but still own a home locally. Some gather to Walk for Life and some send cards to the military members overseas.

Today, several families met at a local nursing home to sing Christmas carols to the residents. They are so welcoming and enjoy the music. If they aren't sitting in the social hall before we begin, they hear the singing and it draws them to the room. It is so fun to see them singing along with us without songbooks or words except those written in their hearts.
My mom set time aside in her day to join us and play the piano for the carolers and we even had several young men sing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen! They all did a super job! What a blessing the voices were to my heart and others. We even sang Happy Birthday to those with December birthdays for their cake and ice cream celebration.

It was also a sad day for me as one of my very special friends was spending their family's last day in town there caroling, too. I am so thankful to God for her in my life and I will miss her and her family very much! Being military for twenty years might make one think that I had gotten used to saying good-bye but I didn't. I miss her already!

We are going to plan for a spring reunion of singers to reach out to the widows and widowers with music for the celebration of the resurrection of our King! You are welcome to join us!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Food, Fun & Fellowship

Our pastor's wife opened their home after church decorating for a sweet time of fellowship, great food and a cookie exchange! We had soups, sandwiches, a yummy lettuce salad and cookies! We had a great devotion and I was so encouraged by it! It was a wonderful time together with many of the ladies from church.

One special friend granted me possession of her jingle-jangle bracelet and I love it! It reminds me of her...and I love her, too!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Girlie Luncheon

My mom hosts an annual luncheon for the gals on my dad's side of the family. This year was a Christmas Luncheon! The menu was Loaded Baked Potato Soup topped with bacon, shredded cheese and oyster crackers, High Roller Sandwiches, Jell-O with applesauce mixed into it, juicy green grapes and for dessert, Red Velvet Cake.

My dad's sister (second from the end) attended with all three of her daughters...the three in the center. One is home on furlough from Thailand! One of my aunt's granddaughters was also able to attend but missed picture-taking time. My dad's brother's wife was able to be there (first) and so was my sister-in-law (at the end.) It was great fun, as always, to be with them and so I lined them up for a Female Family Photo. The Fantastic Cook is my mom...second from the front!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We are watching our gymnast-born daughter learn how to put her God-given talent to use. She attends a gymnastics class with Fit 4 Fun in Covington. When this child was in the womb, she would wear me out. She tossed and turned and somehow never rested...or at least not for long. When we had ultrasound pictures taken of her, she had her leg clear over her head. I should have known. Once she was walking, she was all over. We found her dismounting off the furniture. I should have known. When she nursed, she climbed all over me. I would draw her back down to a comfortable position (apparently only for ME) in my arms for her to begin the process all over again. I should have known.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We have three teenagers in our home as of today! T is 19, E is 15 and R is 13 today! I wanted today to be so special for her since the typical Munro Family Big Birthday is usually done when they turn Double Digits. For her 10th birthday, my cousins' mom was killed in a tragic car accident so we were sharing in their grief along side them. With respect for them, we chose not to celebrate largely. The following year, she chose not to have a large party. The year after that she still didn't want to have a big party; I asked right after she turned 12 to see if she wanted to celebrate 13. She said yes. I have planned all year with several ideas and since we celebrate on the child's actual birthday, the ideas we had wouldn't work. The zoo was too cold and we weren't sure Moms would let their children travel that far with us if it was open, Holiday World was closed and the travel issue still, ice skating wouldn't accommodate our specific day, bowling was the same thing and I wasn't sure what else to do. I spoke with Sharon at Illini Skateland and she was INCREDIBLE! Call them!! I highly recommend them! Sharon was so wonderful with our family and she was excellent with the girls gathering together to celebrate God's gift of R to us.