Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Take your eyes off the mountain and look to the Mountain Mover!

He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots. Job 28:9

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Great His Love!!

Sometimes going through life, we don't always remember to reflect back to what God did for us on the cross. Reading my devotions yesterday, I was completely touched at how he (Max Lucado in It's Not About Me) put Christ's suffering into words. He was talking about the Edwards Aquifer in South Texas- how no one knows the depth of it. They know how many miles of land it covers but not the depth. He said,"Remarkable. We use it, depend on it, would perish without it.....but measure it? We can't."

While thinking on that, let's bring to mind another unmeasured "pool". It is the pool of God's love. Who has measured the depth of God's love? Only He has. Now as you read, picture this and let yourself experience the amount of pain our Savior endured for us.

"Want to see the size of my love?" He invites. "Ascend the winding path outside Jerusalem. Follow the dots of bloody dirt until you crest the hill. Before looking up, pause and hear me whisper, 'This is how much I love you.' " Condemned to die by crucifixion. Whip-ripped muscles drape his back. Blood streams down his face. His eyes and lips are swollen shut. Pain rages at wildfire intensity. At the edge of suffocation, he shoves pierced muscles against the spike and inches up the cross. He does this for hours. Painfully up and down until his strength and our doubts are gone.

So, the question that still awaits for us to ask is, does God love me? Look at the cross, and we will find our answer. Because maybe someday someone will likely find the limits of the Aquifer.
When it comes to water, we could find the limits, but God's love, we never will.

I hope you have enjoyed this. When I read it my eyes where close to tears and my heart was hurting with pain at how many times I forget to thank God for what He did and does for me. I usually pray and ask God for things more than I thank Him for what He does. That hurt to learn but I think it is well worth it. - Emily

Friday, April 24, 2009

News Article

April 22, 2009 - 10:16 PM

Maricopa City Police Officer Christopher Evans only had an hour left in his shift when he got the call to respond to a newborn who was no longer breathing.
"It was about 6:30 p.m. on February 6 when another officer in my squad and I picked up the call and said we were en route," said Evans, who grew up in the Yuma area. "When we arrived at the house, the father was in the front yard yelling and screaming for us to come in. We entered the house and found the mother on the floor looking at the baby girl laying next to her."Evans said the 8-day-old had just come home from the hospital the day before."The baby's mouth and jaw had turned blue, and she was not responding to stimulus. Her eyes were open and did not blink. Her pupils were fixed and did not dilate when I shined a light in her eyes. I could not find a pulse and she was not breathing."Evans said the mother had already begun CPR, and he took over after his assessment.
"When you give a baby CPR you have to be very careful because they are so small and fragile, and when you are applying compressions, you can't push too hard." Evans said he continued with the CPR for about 5 minutes, and thought of his own infant son during the entire ordeal. "I have a son who was 2 months old at the time, and when I was performing the CPR, in my mind it was my son laying there. It was rough and very emotional. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my law enforcement career." Evans said after a while, there were signs the baby might be coming around. "She started to kick her legs a little at the end, which gave me hope. I did not know if it was just nerves or if the CPR was working. That was when the city fire department arrived and took over. Within a few minutes the baby was breathing and making noises. She started crying, and they transported her to Phoenix Children's Hospital by helicopter." According to police officials, the medical personnel who arrived on the scene indicated that if it was not for the direct involvement from Evans administering CPR, the infant would not have survived. They have recommended him for the Medal of Life Saving Award. Evans said the whole event was a very traumatic time. "I was drained and I cried my whole way home. The one thing that kept running through my mind was a Bible verse I learned as a kid which says, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.' It was my faith that kept me going." (Emphasis is mine--from a mom praying that all I do for Jesus is really sinking into their hearts.) Evans said he has closure now because he knows the baby is safe. "She is home now. She had been born with complications which caused the incident; but as far as I know now, she is developing normally." Evans graduated from Kofa High in 1991, and completed law enforcement training at AWC. He has served in the Navy, the San Luis Police Department, Cocopah Tribal Police, and the Yuma County Sheriffs's Office. Evans said helping save a life is what being a cop is all about. "This is definitely one of the reasons I became a police officer. I don't know how not to be a cop."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Vision Forum is pleased to announce their upcoming internships for 2009. The internships — which emphasize biblical manhood, practical business skills, and preparation for Christian leadership — are available to Christian, home-educated young men who possess a servant’s spirit, a teachable heart, and a desire to work hard serving a ministry devoted to the restoration of the Christian family. Application deadline is May 15th.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The 21 Rules Of This House
by Gregg Harris
1. We obey God.
2. We love, honor and pray for one another.
3. We tell the truth.
4. We consider one another's interests ahead of our own.
5. We speak quietly and respectfully with one another.
6. We do not hurt one another with unkind words or deeds.
7. When someone needs correction, we correct him in love.
8. When someone is sorry, we forgive him.
9. When someone is sad, we comfort him.
10. When someone is happy, we rejoice with him.
11. When we have something nice to share, we share it.
12. When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.
13. We take good care of everything that God has given us.
14. We do not create unnecessary work for others.
15. When we open something, we close it.
16. When we take something out, we put it away.
17. When we turn something on, we turn it off.
18. When we make a mess, we clean it up.
19. When we do not know what to do, we ask.
20. When we go out, we act just as if we were in this house.
21. When we disobey or forget any of the 21 Rules of This House, we accept the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I HAVE to share information about a Christian chiropractor that has blessed me with help as I have had several struggles during this past week. He is located in town and is a network provider for our health insurance...Blue Cross Blue Shield. If you have need of a chiropractor or are considering chiropractic care, please contact this terrific individual and his excellent staff! 446-7112

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Drawn By God

Repeatedly in the Bible, we see men and women of God drawn into a deeper relationship with God through adversity. There is no doubt that all the circumstances in the long delay of the birth of Isaac and then the experience of taking his only son up to the mountain to offer as a sacrifice brought Abraham into a much deeper relationship with God. The Psalms are replete with expressions of ever-deepening knowledge of God as the psalmists seek Him in times of adversity. (Psalms 23, 42, 61, 62).

You and I obviously do no seek out adversity just so we can develop a deeper relationship with God. Rather God, through adversity, seeks us out. It is God who draws us more and more into a deeper relationship with Him. If we are seeking Him it is because He is seeking us. One of the strong cords with which He draws us into a more intimate, personal relationship with Him is adversity. If, instead of fighting God or doubting Him in times of adversity, we will seek to cooperate with God, we will find that we will be drawn into a deeper relationship with Him. We will come to know Him as Abraham and Job and David and Paul came to know him.
-Trusting God by Jerry Bridges

Friday, April 17, 2009

Relationship With God

Perhaps the most valuable way we profit from adversity is in the deepening of our relationship with God. Through adversity we learn to bow before His sovereignty, to trust His wisdom, and to experience the consolations of His love, until we come to the place where we can say with Job, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you" (Job 42:5). We begin to pass from knowing about God to knowing God Himself in a personal and intimate way.
-Trusting God by Jerry Bridges

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Growing Through Adversity

Part of coming to know Christ in a more intimate way is through the fellowship of His sufferings. If we are to truly grow in knowing Christ, we can be sure we will to some degree experience the fellowship of His sufferings. If we are to experience the power of His resurrection, we can also be sure we will experience the fellowship of His sufferings.
-Trusting God by Jerry Bridges

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am ready for summer!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Duggars Are Having Another Baby!

Four months after Michelle gave birth to number eighteen (Jordyn), the Duggars announced today that they are having another baby, but this time the baby will be from the family of Jim Bob and Michelle’s eldest son Josh and his wife Anna. The baby is due on October 12.
The story was announced this morning on Today Monday. MSNBC reported:
The couple made their happy news public from the home of Josh Duggar’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. Surrounding them were Josh’s 17 brothers and sisters and his parents. . . .
“We are so thrilled and so excited for Josh and Anna,” said Michelle Duggar, who held her youngest daughter, 4-month-old Jordyn, on her knee. She said that when she was growing up, she had nieces and nephews her own age, so it wouldn’t be strange to have a grandchild almost the same age as her own child. . . .
Vieira asked Josh what lessons he’s learned about parenthood from growing up in such a large family.
“In any large family you learn responsibility. You learn it from an early age,” he said.
His father offered another bit of advice: “teach your children to love the lord with all their hearts; serve others.” . . .
On their web page, Josh and Anna write: “We look forward to the blessing of children as stated in the Psalms, “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” (Psalms 127:3) Having both been raised in large families, we have agreed to trust God in the area of children and the size of it.”
In January, Josh told People magazine, “I would welcome a big family. My parents have been wonderful examples.”

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Seasoned Sisters Experience

Seasoned: Old enough to know what we want out of life, and wise enough to know what to do with those desires, hopes, and dreams.

Sisters: When building a home, 2x4s are hammered together on bearing walls so they can bear more weight. This term is called “sistering.” When women stand shoulder to shoulder and sister one another, we are stronger, and we can make a positive difference.

The Seasoned Sisters experience will help you discover renewed strength because Seasoned Sisters:

  • Choose Joy together
  • Laugh Together
  • Learn Together
  • Pray Together
  • Serve Together

Together we are stronger!

May we be led to pray for each other and not tear each other down with our words toward or about each other! May we build up the body of Christ through "Sistering" and Shepherding not searing and scorching each other.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We are celebrating the birthday of our second son turning twenty today! Reservations at Tuscany's in Paris for 18 of us and then back home for cake and ice cream! We have had four months of three teenagers living in our home! This young man is giving, loyal, sharing, funny, thrifty, generous and friendly! He is the source of laughter being the best medicine in our home. Happy Birthday, T! We love you!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thought For The Weekend III

Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctr Alt Delete' and start all over?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


While attending Hearts At Home, I heard the most amazing, wonderful things. One of those things was a term that was so affirming to the place I am in life. Pam Ferrell was describing the typical season of a woman over 40...wife for decades, mom of teens with hormones, aging parents, witnessing husband begin to slow down (termed: midlife!) and for some of us, BONUS BABIES. I was stunned! Do you know what that is?? A BONUS BABY is a baby born in our 40's! WOW! What an incredible view to have about this little life with which God Himself has blessed us! It was amazing what soared through my the midst of all these changes in my life, these struggles with which I battle, what a concept to have regarding the Blessing that God has given to us!! A BONUS! So when I had previously struggled with how to deal with others' comments and attitudes about still having children, this has completely changed my perspective on how to deal with it/them! A BONUS! Extra! Plus! Additional benefit! Windfall! How fantastic to go along with God's Word that calls children a blessing...a reward! WOO HOO! Bonus Baby!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


For Christmas, we purchased the two youngest girls a camera. I have one but somehow I would manage to rarely remember to bring it along. IF I did remember, I wouldn't think to take pictures until the entire event was over. Age! So this great idea was to have the girls own their own camera in hopes they would remember it and then take pictures to help capture our lives digitally. How exciting! Gone would be the day that we have less and less pictures of the youngest child in the family!! Full would be the scrapbooks of our lives together!! Here are a few memories we now have from pictures taken by youth. :)

What a GREAT idea!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


New dress for R! I love the spring and sewing new dresses for my girls. Soon, they will each be able to sew completely for themselves. E is working on a quilt sample for a friend so she is broadening her horizons! How exciting as I watch them become young ladies!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Revive Our Hearts

True Woman Manifesto
A personal and corporate declaration of belief, consecration, and prayerful intent—to the end that Christ may be exalted and the glory and redeeming love of God may be displayed throughout the whole earth.

We believe that God is the sovereign Lord of the universe and the Creator of life, and that all created things exist for His pleasure and to bring Him glory.
We believe that the creation of humanity as male and female was a purposeful and magnificent part of God’s wise plan, and that men and women were designed to reflect the image of God in complementary and distinct ways.
We believe that sin has separated every human being from God and made us incapable of reflecting His image as we were created to do. Our only hope for restoration and salvation is found in repenting of our sin and trusting in Christ who lived a sinless life, died in our place, and was raised from the dead.
We realize that we live in a culture that does not recognize God’s right to rule, does not accept Scripture as the pattern for life, and is experiencing the consequences of abandoning God’s design for men and women.
We believe that Christ is redeeming this sinful world and making all things new, and that His followers are called to share in His redemptive purposes as they seek, by God’s empowerment, to transform every aspect of human life that has been marred and ruined by sin.
As Christian women, we desire to honor God by living counter-cultural lives that reflect the beauty of Christ and His gospel to our world.
To thatend, we affirm that. . .
Scripture is God’s authoritative means of instructing us in His ways and it reveals His holy pattern for our womanhood, our character, our priorities, and our various roles, responsibilities, and relationships.
We glorify God and experience His blessing when we accept and joyfully embrace His created design, function, and order for our lives.
As redeemed sinners, we cannot live out the beauty of biblical womanhood apart from the sanctifying work of the gospel and the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Men and women are both created in the image of God and are equal in value and dignity, but they have distinct roles and functions in the home and in the church.
We are called as women to affirm and encourage men as they seek to express godly masculinity, and to honor and support God-ordained male leadership in the home and in the church.
Marriage, as created by God, is a sacred, binding, lifelong covenant between one man and one woman.
When we respond humbly to male leadership in our homes and churches, we demonstrate a noble submission to authority that reflects Christ’s submission to God His Father.
Selfish insistence on personal rights is contrary to the spirit of Christ who humbled Himself, took on the form of a servant, and laid down His life for us.
Human life is precious to God and is to be valued and protected, from the point of conception until rightful death.
Children are a blessing from God, and women are uniquely designed to be bearers and nurturers of life, whether it be their own biological or adopted children, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, or other children in their sphere of influence.
God’s plan for gender is wider than marriage; all women, whether married or single, are to model femininity in their various relationships, by exhibiting a distinctive modesty, responsiveness, and gentleness of spirit.
Suffering is an inevitable reality in a fallen world; at times we will be called to suffer for doing what is good—looking to heavenly reward rather than earthly comfort—for the sake of the gospel and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.
Mature Christian women have a responsibility to leave a legacy of faith, by discipling younger women in the Word and ways of God and modeling for the next generation lives of fruitful femininity.
Believing the above, we declare our desire and intent to be "true women" of God. We consecrate ourselves to fulfill His calling and purposes for our lives. By His grace and in humble dependence on His power, we will:
1. Seek to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
2. Gladly yield control of our lives to Christ as Lord—we will say "Yes, Lord" to the Word and the will of God.
3. Be women of the Word, seeking to grow in our knowledge of Scripture and to live in accord with sound doctrine in every area of our lives.
4. Nurture our fellowship and communion with God through prayer—in praise, thanksgiving, confession, intercession, and supplication.
5. Embrace and express our unique design and calling as women with humility, gratitude, faith, and joy.
6. Seek to glorify God by cultivating such virtues as purity, modesty, submission, meekness, and love.
7. Show proper respect to both men and women, created in the image of God, esteeming others as better than ourselves, seeking to build them up, and putting off bitterness, anger, and evil speaking.
8. Be faithfully engaged in our local church, submitting ourselves to our spiritual leaders, growing in the context of the community of faith, and using the gifts He has given us to serve others, to build up the Body of Christ, and to fulfill His redemptive purposes in the world.
9. Seek to establish homes that manifest the love, grace, beauty, and order of God, that provide a climate conducive to nurturing life, and that extend Christian hospitality to those outside the walls of our homes.
10. Honor the sacredness, purity, and permanence of the marriage covenant—whether ours or others'.
11. Receive children as a blessing from the Lord, seeking to train them to love and follow Christ and to consecrate their lives for the sake of His gospel and Kingdom.
12. Live out the mandate of Titus 2—as older women, modeling godliness and training younger women to be pleasing to God in every respect; as younger women, receiving instruction with meekness and humility and aspiring to become mature women of God who in turn will train the next generation.
13. Seek opportunities to share the gospel of Christ with unbelievers.
14. Reflect God’s heart for those who are poor, infirm, oppressed, widows, orphans, and prisoners, by reaching out to minister to their practical and spiritual needs in the name of Christ.
15. Pray for a movement of revival and reformation among God’s people that will result in the advancement of the Kingdom and gospel of Christ among all nations.
Signature Date

Sunday, April 5, 2009



Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mother/Daughter Tea

Last year, my girls and I attended a Mother/Daughter Tea along with another friend.
Save-The-Date for this year's Tea.
Save the Date!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Providence Church
401 S. Carol Avenue
Morton, IL 61550

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thought For The Weekend II

Brain cells come and brain cells go but fat cells live forever.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We have designated Thursday nights for packing. I don't want to spend time each day doing all that I do and adding PACKING to the list. So, each Thursday night this month we have set aside those nights to pack boxes. (We had been using Thursday nights for hospitality to have family and friends in for dinner and fellowship...our ship's course has altered!) Now we are going to take one room each week and go through things to give away and pack the rest. (We did this in October but not as well as we should have so we are getting nitty-gritty this time!) By the end of the month, we hope to be all done with nonessentials and be able to go through the boxes of baby items. I am praying Baby waits to come until we are done with that project!

Note: WJ is up and around now but walking on his left heel rather than his whole foot. Thank you for praying for him--and ME!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Culture Dictates?