Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Move and More

We still don't have a "date" for moving, however, we do know that the mine intends to keep William back for the reclamation process. He said four weeks, then July, and then June. That--much like our Marine Corps days--translates into not knowing when we are moving. For this Planner Person, it isn't easy to not have a plan. So...

We have started the packing process with WONDERFUL BOXES from a dear friend! I intend to get everything but the bathrooms and kitchen packed so whenever it ends up being time to go, we will be ready. I had hoped to move before the baby is born to be able to get "settled" the best I could before the birth, but so far, God indicates that isn't His plan for us. I will need to call on my dear friends and family to come help once we actually move. (Practice of humility! Not easy for this do-it-all Gal!)

In the meantime, I bought our first package of newborn disposable diapers. CUTE!! I have a rain check for the sale price for the rest of the sizes 1 and 2 that we will purchase with coupons!! The girls are getting so excited and it is so fun to watch my belly and see the baby move about and talk about the upcoming events with them. We still need to go through the boxes of what baby things we have kept to see what we will need but the whole move thing threw me for a loop! : ) Recovery in process!

Additionally, my faith continues to be challenged. I struggle (battle!) with fear as our pregnancy nears the end of the third trimester...and have our "abilities" tested to be parents of adult children...and then amongst the list of other things I didn't mention, WJ fell with a solid wooden chair landing on two of his four-year-old toes and did a wammy-ka-jammy on them. I melted. I was at the end of myself but stood amazed yet again of the Mighty, Amazing, Wonderful, Loving God that I serve. He showed Himself Incredible yet again in the maze of life He has prepared for me to journey.

“As for His failing you, never dream of it—hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end.” -Charles Spurgeon

Please battle with me in prayer as I seek to trust in the One alone Who is Trustworthy!

1 comment:

  1. praying for you. i know He'll calm your heart and lead you--He's faithful like that ;)

    love you
