Monday, March 2, 2009


I was given one of those "baby" magazines and honestly, I usually trash the things. They rarely say anything that I believe is beneficial for ANY mom, newby or salty! Well, when I saw there was an article that gave advice from "Large Families" I had to at least check it out. Lo and behold, the advice was from LARGE FAMILIES! Mom's with THREE and FOUR children. So, there you have it, folks. I don't have a large family after all!!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing, really. As a mom of 3 living children, I sometimes have things said to me. "Oh, I see he finally got that boy, so now you're done." Stupid things like that. No, we have three children because we WANTED THREE CHILDREN! I'd have had 4 if things had been different. When planning a vacation in one area, I had a hard time finding a hotel that would let dh AND I stay in the same room w/ three children! Rediculous! I can't imagine what happens to you. God has blessed you many times over, Ann. I can't wait to meet the newest blessing. God is good, even to those with LARGE families! :)
