Monday, March 30, 2009

Legacy Five

Saturday evening we attended a great gospel music concert here in town. Homeward Bound is a local singing group that brings in Legacy Five to perform along with them annually. We went last year for the first time and have asked to be included in purchasing tickets each year! We even bought CDs last year for us and DVDs for my dad.

This year we invited my parents to come along with us. They enjoy the Gaither's so we knew they'd like to see Legacy Five in person. It was fabulous music with incredible harmony that always makes me tingle inside! Love that harmony!! We had a great night even with all the rain and cold weather that is back.

It was wonderful to be in an assembly particularly made up of Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as we listened to God-honoring music and worshipped Him in our hearts! The auditorium was packed...I can't help but long for Heaven and the music with which we will worship the King of Kings!


  1. AMEN to that! can't wait either! Hope all is did the house-hunting go?

  2. Did you know my brother Brock sang with Homeward Bound for a couple of years? On one of the CDs he wrote 6 of the songs and is the soloist for several of them. The song he wrote for me and Lauren (Glimpse of Heaven) is on it. Did you get that CD? I think the baby song is on it too, but can't remember for sure.
