Wednesday, February 11, 2009

View of Valentines

Reds. Pinks. Shades of purple. Hearts. Shiny and sparkles!

Besides decorations, I like to create ways to make a day our family sets aside to express our love to each other very special and different. As a Christian, I am to show love daily one to another but Saturday is extra special! Upon considering the plans, I realized I was wondering what Hubby might be doing for ME. I was wondering what he might be planning for me instead of focusing on what I wanted to plan for him and for our family.

I realize that me reading "I Love You" inside of a card is the same as him reading "I Respect You" inside of a card from me. The way I receive love doesn't compare to the way that I show I love him which is through respecting him. Admiration, high opinion, esteem, reverence, value, revere,, what a list of responsibility! We are reading a book together called Love & Respect. The subtitle is The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs WOW!

Although my plans for Valentine's Day for him are in order, I was reminded that the love I show him daily, all year long needs to be cemented in the value I place in him through my respect for him. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Yield. Stop resisting. Surrender. Let another pass. Ouch! If I am not displaying this to my husband, how "unloved" is he feeling when his love is really received in the form of respect?

1 comment:

  1. That is the book I was talking about a few months ago! Isnt it WONDERFUL!? That is the conference that I wanted to go to this summer but we weren't able to!

    Happy Valentine's Day!
