Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Great His Love!!

Sometimes going through life, we don't always remember to reflect back to what God did for us on the cross. Reading my devotions yesterday, I was completely touched at how he (Max Lucado in It's Not About Me) put Christ's suffering into words. He was talking about the Edwards Aquifer in South Texas- how no one knows the depth of it. They know how many miles of land it covers but not the depth. He said,"Remarkable. We use it, depend on it, would perish without it.....but measure it? We can't."

While thinking on that, let's bring to mind another unmeasured "pool". It is the pool of God's love. Who has measured the depth of God's love? Only He has. Now as you read, picture this and let yourself experience the amount of pain our Savior endured for us.

"Want to see the size of my love?" He invites. "Ascend the winding path outside Jerusalem. Follow the dots of bloody dirt until you crest the hill. Before looking up, pause and hear me whisper, 'This is how much I love you.' " Condemned to die by crucifixion. Whip-ripped muscles drape his back. Blood streams down his face. His eyes and lips are swollen shut. Pain rages at wildfire intensity. At the edge of suffocation, he shoves pierced muscles against the spike and inches up the cross. He does this for hours. Painfully up and down until his strength and our doubts are gone.

So, the question that still awaits for us to ask is, does God love me? Look at the cross, and we will find our answer. Because maybe someday someone will likely find the limits of the Aquifer.
When it comes to water, we could find the limits, but God's love, we never will.

I hope you have enjoyed this. When I read it my eyes where close to tears and my heart was hurting with pain at how many times I forget to thank God for what He did and does for me. I usually pray and ask God for things more than I thank Him for what He does. That hurt to learn but I think it is well worth it. - Emily

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